

Source is a Restoration and Conservation Firm based in Galveston, Texas.

Since 1990, Source has offered services including historical paint analysis, restoration and conservation of decorative finishes and historical artifacts, implementation of decorative finishes for long term restoration projects, and consultation.

Conservation | Restoration | Paint & Finish Analysis


Historic paint analysis is the scientific identification of finishes applied to architectural features at some point in time. This specific time is referred to as “restoration date.” This might be the original construction, as is often the case, or some subsequent “period of significance” usually associated with the life of a historic person, particular event, or major change to the structure itself. It is not limited to paint only, but includes a wide array of other finish types including decorative finishes and/or transparent finishes.

Historic paint analysis can be used to determine a large amount of information regarding the interior and exterior surfaces. This includes information regarding surviving colors, original colors, sheen, lead content, finish type, media employed, pigments, application techniques, weathering characteristics, and removal or addition of architectural elements. Typically, however, color determination and existence of decorative arts is the goal of the analysis.

At Source, the preferred method is to perform a paint and finish analysis, rather that just a paint analysis. This is because transparent finishes, (e.g. wood finishes) and decorative finishes (faux graining, glazes, and specialty plaster finishes) are just as important to an interior as paint colors.

At Source, we believe in a holistic approach to Paint and Finish Analysis, and prefer to perform on-site analysis’. This method ensures that all characteristics and architectural surfaces are included to better determine how all elements relate to one another during a specific time period. A generation of paint will encompass many architectural items that may have either paint, or a layered decorative finish. There may also be specialty finishes, such as - integral colored plasters, or stucco’s. It’s critical that these be reviewed on site to fully understand how they relate to the other architectural elements of a specific room.